What Service Problems can we resolve?
Internet Service Un-Availability (e.g., user unable to connect to the Internet)
Online Service Unavailability (e.g., user unable to connect to online Service)
DNS Problems (e.g., cannot resolve service domain)
HTTP Problems (e.g., cannot transport service)
Where can we monitor your Service Problems?
School buildings
Colleges and Universities buildings
Government Agency buildings
Hospital buildings
Hotel buildings
Office buildings
Branch Office buildings
Manufacturing plants
SMBs buildings
Any building with internet
Amy building with Wireless
How we monitor your Service Problem?
We monitor the Outgoing Internet Traffic by having the MacroProbe TAP into the mirrored switch ports of the Switch connecting the
Users Ethernet connections or TAP into the Wireless Router providing Wireless Access to Users.
We monitor the following metrics:
DNS Domain Lookup
DNS and HTTP Flow Protocol Errors
DNS and HTTP Flow Response Time
DNS and TCPApp Flow Protocol Errors
DNS and TCPApp Flow Response Time
What MacroProbe features do we use to monitor your Service Problems?
Big Service Monitor
Domain Monitor
Internet Monitor
DNS->HTTP Monitor
DNS->TCPApp Monitor
CyberIntel Ai
Internet Service Anomaly Detection
Generic Service Anomaly Detection
Internet Service Capacity Planning
Generic Service Capacity Planning
Service Monitor Deployments:

Wireless Monitoring

Internet Monitoring