What BOTNET Attacks can we resolve?
BOT spreads via Websites (e.g., DNS URL and HTTP URL)
BOT spreads via Email (e.g., SMTP, IMAP4, POP3 Emails)
Data Center
BOT Spreads via HTTP Transports (e.g., HTTP URL)
BOT Spreads via Websites (e.g., DNS URL)
BOT Spreads via Email (e.g., SMTP, IMAP4, POP3 Emails)
BOT Spreads via Remote Hacking (e.g., RDP, SSH, Telnet Remote Access)
Where can we monitor BOTNET problems?
Monitoring Laptop/Desktop accessing the Internet
Monitoring Laptop/Desktop accessing the Wireless
Data Center:
Monitoring servers in the 2-Tiers Data Center
Monitoring servers in the 3-Tiers Data Center
Monitoring Virtual Server in the VMWare Private Cloud
Monitoring Virtual Server in the VMWare Public Cloud
Monitoring Virtual Server in the Google Public Cloud
How do we monitor your BOTNET problems?
Internet: We monitor the Outgoing Internet traffic by having the MacroProbe TAP into the spanned switch port or TAP intothe Wireless Router.
Data Center: We monitor Internet Incoming traffic to the data center by having the MacroProbe TAP on the spanned switch port in the 2-tiers or 3-tiers at the front-end and/or the application logistic and/or the back-end. For Cloud, we monitor the Internet Incoming traffic by having the MacroProbe TAP into the mirror ports on the vSwitch in the case of VMWare or the VPC in case of Google Cloud.
We monitor the following BOTNET metrics:
Blacklist Email, URL, Application, Port, Location, Server, Client, and Flow
SMTP Email
IMAP4 Email
POP3 Email
RDP Remote Access
SSH Remote Access
Telnet Remote Access
What MacroProbe features do we use to monitor your BOTNET Problems?
BOTNET Monitor
Big DDOS Monitor
Big Governance Monitor
Big Cyberattack Monitor
DDOS Monitor
Blacklist Monitor
CyberIntel Ai
DDOS Anomaly Detection
BOTNET Anomaly Detection
Blacklist Anomaly Detection
Remote Hacking Anomaly Detection
DDOS Forecast
BOTNET Forecast
Blacklist Forecast
Remote Hacking Forecast
BOTNET Monitor Deployments:

Monitoring Wireless

Monitoring Internet
Monitoring 2 Tier Data Center

Monitoring 3 Tier Data Center